a - z指数

日期 in Northwest 历史


一天 一年 事件
3月1日 1941 院长J.W. Jones assumed chairmanship of the education department as Mr. Phillips went on diminished service.
3月1日 1943 桃金娘Knepper, of Cape Girardeau, presented to the College a collection of French books that belonged to her nephew, 拉尔夫Knepper, a senior who left the college to join the military and lost his life. In 五月, the College conferred a posthumous degree to 拉尔夫Knepper.
3月1日 1945 学院, which had been on the semester plan "for the duration," returned to the quarter plan for civilian students; credit is changed from 2.50 semester hours to 2.00和3.00小时.
3月2日 2012 Madraliers合唱团是在达拉斯举行的美国合唱指挥协会西南分部会议上表演的七个大学合唱团之一, 德州.
3月2日 2020 Due to growing concerns about the COVID-19 virus, Northwest suspended its study abroad programs and advised its 13 students studying in Finland, 希腊, 意大利, 爱尔兰, 荷兰, Spain and the United Kingdom to return to the United States.
3月3日 1910 Six acres of onions and early corn were planted between Administration Building and the president's residence.
3月4日 1928 The college orchestra and chorus performed "Aida" with the Cramer Opera Company of Chicago.
3月5日 1909 一所师范学校的女子篮球队在卡梅隆与密苏里卫斯理学院进行了第一场外地比赛.
3月5日 1945 报纸的标题是“女生回家”,宣布宿舍再次向女学生开放,其余的海军V-12男生将住在男子四合院,直到项目结束.
3月5日 1974 A short-lived trend of streaking hit the Northwest campus.
3月5日 2016 Echosmith, a sibling quartet behind smash hits “Cool Kids” and “Bright,” headlined the Student Activities Council's spring concert at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts.
3月5日 2018 The Wind Symphony performed at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City.
3月5日 2022 The Associated Collegiate Press named Tower yearbook a Pacemaker recipient for its 2021 edition, the 100th in the publication's history. It was Tower's 11th Pacemaker, which is a recognition of the best college yearbooks in the country.
3月6日 1945 Coach Ryland Milner left for overseas to help with an athletic clinic for Army officers who would coach service men.
3月7日 1910 院长乔治·H. 科尔伯特, 埃米特·斯科特(Emmett Scott)和其他人开始在行政大楼以北的田径场上修建四分之一英里的跑道.
3月7日 1967 The original Dairy Barn, a 54-year-old building west of the Administration Building, was destroyed by fire and disabled the agriculture department. Along with a silo and calf barn, 19 small heifer calves, several Jersey cattle and a flock of chickens were lost to the fire.
3月8日 2012 Students performed the opening night of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!” for Northwest's biennial musical production.
3月9日 1927 County coroner Dr. Frank Wallis called upon senior chemistry students Cleo Wyman and Wilson Craig to analyze the stomach contents of a person who died from unknown causes; the students found carbolic acid.
3月9日 1998 Classes were canceled for just the third time in Northwest's history, due to snowfall after 14 inches fell on 3月yville during the weekend.
3月9日 2009 For the first time in its history, the 密苏里州 Court of Appeals for the Western District convened at Northwest. A three-member panel heard oral arguments in three cases in the Student Union Ballroom.
3月9日 2017 Northwest announced its decision to 关闭 the 密苏里州 Academy of Science, 2017-2018学年结束时的数学与计算课程,这是学校重新关注为学生提供获得学士和硕士学位机会的核心使命的一部分. The 密苏里州 Academy was a two-year accelerated, early-entrance-to-college residential program for academically-talented students that opened on the campus in 2000.
3月10日 1939 Kindergarten moved to the Horace Mann building.
3月10日 1951 A terrible ice storm hit 3月yville and many campus trees were ruined.
3月11日 1910 约翰·拉什代表师范学校参加了与其他州立师范学校的演讲比赛,并以他的演讲获得了第二名, "The Coming Aristocracy."
3月12日 1957 西北密苏里大学连续第七次获得哥伦比亚学术出版社协会的“第一”等级.
3月12日 2017 The forensics team, known as the Speaking 熊猫s, claimed the Combined Team Sweepstakes award, and Nick Van Ross, a senior marketing major from Lee’s Summit, 密苏里州, 在和记棋牌娱乐举办的公共传播演讲和辩论联盟全国锦标赛中获得了个人抽奖奖.
3月13日 1906 The first heads of departments were chosen, including Mr. 乔治H. 科尔伯特 for mathematics, who remained on the faculty until his death in 1950.
3月13日 2009 和记棋牌娱乐举办了剪彩仪式和盛大的开幕仪式,以庆祝工作室剧院的完工和更名后的罗恩休斯顿表演艺术中心的其他改进.
3月13日 2014 政府. 杰伊·尼克松参观了校董会会议,赞扬大学和校董会成员响应他冻结本科生学费的呼吁.
3月13日 2020 After the federal government and state of 密苏里州 declared states of emergency due to COVID-19, Northwest announced all courses were moving online, starting 3月23日, for a minimum of two weeks. Additionally, all student organization and external events were canceled through 4月il 5.
3月14日 1983 B.D. Owens Library opened.
3月14日 2011 A small crowd gathered outside the Lamkin Activity Center to welcome back the Northwest Wrestling Club, 这个周末在梅肯赢得了全国大学生摔跤协会第二组全国冠军, 乔治亚州.
3月15日 1906 The 校董会 selected J.H. 感觉 & Co., 架构师, 堪萨斯城的, to present plans for the Academic Hall, which is known today as the Administration Building, as well as the heating and power house, and for landscaping.
3月15日 1919 A tornado struck the Administration Building, causing approximately $20,000 in damage.
3月15日 1924 Pi Omega Pi, a business honor society, installed its Beta Chapter on the campus.
3月15日 1970 唐纳德·N. Valk Industrial Arts Education and Technology Building, known more simply today as Valk Center, 是为了纪念这位在和记棋牌娱乐工作了38年的工业艺术教员在春季学期结束时退休. Valk also was an architect and helped design several campus buildings, including Wells Library, the Wesley Student Center and the building bearing his name.
3月15日 1995 Civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson gave a free lecture in 熊猫 Arena as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series.
3月15日 2004 Students began using CatPAWS to register for their fall classes. The new software replaced WebSTAR and helped streamline faculty grading procedures.
3月15日 2017 约翰•贝尔, director of bands and orchestra and artist-in-residence at Northwest, 在堪萨斯城举行的大学乐队总监协会(CBDNA)全国会议上,代表大学管乐交响乐团参加了有史以来第一次小乐队节目展示, 密苏里州. Bell was among 10 conductors selected from submissions evaluated by a blind jury of CBDNA members.
3月16日 1942 校董会授权校长将学院的设施提供给海军,“以各种可能的方式使用”," and authorized the dean to set up a curriculum to comply with requirements for training Navy personnel. The awarding of the Bachelor of Science degree also was authorized.
3月16日 2011 Meghan McCain, a political columnist, author and daughter of U.S. 森. 约翰·麦凯恩, appeared at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts as part of the University's Distinguished Lecture Series.
3月16日 2023 Dr. Lance Tatum was introduced as Northwest's 11th president at a morning news conference. 那天晚上, he was in the audience as Northwest's Jazz Ensemble, Tower Choir and Wind Symphony performed in "Voices in Green," a concert featuring the music ensembles at Kansas City's Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.
3月17日 1953 校董会对在校学生和员工驾驶的所有汽车进行了登记,以帮助控制交通问题.
3月17日 2022 The 校董会 approved the University's recommendation of a $1.3 million renovation of the third floor of 3月tindale Hall, the first phase of a long-term plan to renovate one of the campus' oldest buildings.
3月18日 1914 校董会禁止在校园里成立兄弟会或姐妹会,并要求解散现有的团体.
3月18日 1927 Sigma Sigma Sigma became the first sorority founded on the Northwest campus.
3月18日 1956 Northwest joined a celebration of 密苏里州 Home Economics Week, which included a tribute to Miss Hettie Anthony, the founder of the school's home economics department where she served for 48 years.
3月18日 1998 1999年秋天,校董会投票批准女子足球成为校队运动,并开始校际比赛.
3月18日 2020 一天后,在学生会宴会厅召集教职员工领导,讨论学校在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间的应对和方向, 和记棋牌娱乐宣布,在本学期剩余的时间里,将把课程转移到网上,以帮助最大限度地减少病毒的传播,并限制学业中断.
3月19日 1996 A Quality Classroom Symposium provides Northwest faculty with informative sessions about how to use the World Wide Web. 
3月19日 2020 The 校董会 authorized the University to award a construction contract to E.L. Crawford Construction and begin building the Agricultural Learning Center.
3月20日 2013 前橄榄球总教练梅尔·特耶德斯马复出,宣布重返和记棋牌娱乐,担任该校体育主任.
3月20日 2020 "Out of an abundance of caution" to help minimize the spread of COVID-19, Northwest transitioned to restricted operations, and all campus facilities were 关闭d to the public, 下午5点生效.m.
3月22日 1990 The 校董会 approved a new logo for the University.
3月23日 1964 The 校董会 named Dr. 罗伯特·P. Foster, the college's dean of administration, as its seventh president.
3月23日 2011 熊猫女子篮球队结束了其项目历史上最好的一个赛季,以78:89输给了密歇根理工大学在圣巴巴多斯举行的NCAA二级全国锦标赛的四强赛. 约瑟夫. The 熊猫s finished 29-5 while claiming the program's first-ever regional title, first outright MIAA regular season championship and third MIAA conference tournament championship.
3月24日 1924 The 校董会 made a resolution for the College to use a small amount of alcohol "for scientific purposes only."
3月24日 1980 政府. Teasdale signed an emergency appropriations bill that, in the aftermath of the 1979 Administration Building fire, 获得13美元.8 million to Northwest to replace the space lost in the fire, which amounted to more than half the building.
3月24日 1981 Northwest broke ground for a new $7.4 library building to open during the 1983 spring semester and replace Wells Library.
3月25日 1905 The bill creating the Fifth District Normal School was signed by 政府. 约瑟夫·W. 民间. It became a law on 小君e 16, 1905.
3月25日 1980 Northwest celebrated its 75th anniversary.
3月25日 2010 The Northwest soils judging team competed in the National Collegiate Soils Contest in Lubbock, 德州. 去年10月,和记棋牌娱乐在地区比赛中击败了两届全国卫冕冠军堪萨斯州立大学,获得了参加全国比赛的资格.
3月25日 2017 The men's basketball program won its first NCAA Division II national championship, 使和记棋牌娱乐成为第一个二级联赛的大学,也是NCAA历史上第三个在同一学年赢得足球和男子篮球全国冠军的大学.
3月26日 1968 In cooperation with American Red Cross, 47 members of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity embarked on a 260-mile marathon from 3月yville to Jefferson City. 每个人至少跑了5英里,并在48小时内跑完全程,同时携带了一份超过1人签名的请愿书,000 students voicing their support for the American soldiers in Vietnam.
3月26日 2022 熊猫男子篮球队在过去的五个完整赛季中赢得了第四个NCAA二级联赛全国冠军,并成为第一个连续三届全国冠军的二级联赛机构,以67-58击败埃文斯维尔的奥古斯塔大学, 印第安纳州.
3月27日 1908 Miss Norma Hotchkiss took first place in the Inter-Normal Oratorical contest at Warrensburg.
3月27日 2021 The 熊猫 men's basketball team beat West 德州 A&M University, 80-54, to cap a 28-2 season and win its third national title in last four full seasons. 熊队是全美大学生体育协会第二赛区获胜最多的学校,也是本赛季五所第二赛区获胜人数达到20胜的学校之一.
3月29日 1943 A motion was made by the 校董会 to change the name of the institution to Northwest 密苏里州 State College.
3月29日 1948 Faculty members were allowed to enroll for classes with payment of activity and book fees.
3月30日 1920 The Philomathean plan, "The First Lady of the Land," netted $175 for the French War Orphan Fund.
3月30日 2019 The 熊猫 men's basketball team defeated Point Loma Nazarene University, 64-58, at the Ford Center in Evansville, 印第安纳州, to complete a perfect 38-0 season and claim their second NCAA Division II national championship.
3月31日 2004: KXCV/KRNW在威尔斯大厅二楼庆祝沃伦·斯图基广播博物馆的盛大重新开放,以纪念该电台的退休工程师.

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