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退休计算机科学教授鼓舞女性, 通过奖学金支持的计算机多样性

A retired 和记棋牌娱乐 faculty member is continuing her passion to assist and support underrepresented students in the 计算机科学 field by investing in two scholarship funds.

Dr. 卡罗尔Spradling, 他在和记棋牌娱乐的计算机科学和信息系统系任教32年, recently established the Diversity in Computing Scholarship endowment and provided additional funding to the University’s Women in Computing Scholarship, 她在2016年创立了这家公司.

Dr. 卡罗尔Spradling served Northwest for 32 years as a 计算机科学 and information systems faculty member and was honored last spring with the Alumni Association's Distinguished Faculty Emeritus Award. (<a href=''>和记棋牌娱乐</a>照片)

Dr. 卡罗尔Spradling served Northwest for 32 years as a 计算机科学 and information systems faculty member and was honored last spring with the Alumni Association's Distinguished Faculty Emeritus Award. (和记棋牌娱乐照片)

“Dr. 伸展运动对人类产生了不可思议的影响 计算机科学与信息系统学院 当她在和记棋牌娱乐教书时. Joni Adkins, director of the 计算机科学与信息系统学院, said. 她经常指导和支持学生和教师, 帮助培养他们的信心, 领导力和知识. Her incredible work ethic and willingness to work with others was well-known across campus. 她是早期提倡增加计算机领域多样性的人. Funding these scholarships for women and underrepresented students reinforces her commitment to helping students achieve their goals of working in technology.”

首届计算机多样性奖学金将奖励1美元,在2024-25学年,每名学生将获得5000美元. Recipients shall be sophomores, juniors or seniors enrolled full-time at Northwest with a minimum 2.00 GPA, 黑色将被优先考虑, 美国印第安人, 阿拉斯加土著, Hispanic, Latino, 夏威夷原住民或太平洋岛民学生. 申请将于9月9日开始. 1.

Additionally, Spradling’s recent gift to the Northwest Foundation increases the Women in Computing Scholarship’s annual award to $1,000. 颁发给成绩不低于3分的本科女生.00 GPA and a preference to students who have made significant contributions to the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Cyber Defense Club or the 计算机科学与信息系统学院 through their involvement or technology-related employment on campus.

这两项奖学金都提供给符合条件的学生 计算机科学, 网络安全, 数据科学, 数字媒体 or 管理信息系统

“The tech sector lacks a diverse pipeline as it relates to women and minority populations,斯普拉德林说. “One way to address this issue is to provide scholarship funding that encourages diverse populations to enroll and remain in a variety of computing majors in the 计算机科学与信息系统学院. The Women in Computing and Diversity in Computing scholarships are my attempt to provide tangible and sustained progress toward a diverse pipeline goal.”

Spradling, 她的职业生涯始于会计领域,并在爱荷华州的一家医院系统工作, 她丈夫来西北的时候, Dr. 1984年至2014年担任美术系教师的Kim Spradling加入了该大学. At that time, Carol decided to enroll in some computing courses to enhance her accounting work. 这使她获得了计算机研究硕士学位, 这是她1988年在和记棋牌娱乐完成的.

“接下来,我就爱上了计算机科学,”斯普拉德林说. “我真的很喜欢.”

Dr. 2011年,卡罗尔Spradling在西北地区的一间教室里指导学生.

Dr. 2011年,卡罗尔Spradling在西北地区的一间教室里指导学生.

在主人的工作进行到一半时,西北电台打开了“电子校园” in 1987, 它在每个宿舍房间和办公室都放置了一个计算机站, making the University the first public university with a comprehensive networked campus. Subsequently, Spradling开始在西北航空公司的信息系统办公室工作, 教员工和学生如何使用文字处理, 电子邮件和其他计算机程序. In the fall of 1988, she joined the 计算机科学 faculty and launched her teaching career.

斯普拉德林后来获得了博士学位.D. in instructional technology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and climbed the faculty ranks at Northwest. She also served as a provost fellow in 2014 and as director of the 计算机科学与信息系统学院 in 2016 until her retirement in 2020.

Dr. 卡罗尔Spradling, right, converses with women at the biannual Missouri Iowa Nebraska Kansas Women in Computing Conference, 是她共同创立的.

Dr. 卡罗尔Spradling, right, converses with women at the biannual Missouri Iowa Nebraska Kansas Women in Computing Conference, 是她共同创立的.

除了作为一名教员为大学服务外,李博士. 卡罗尔Spradling was a member of the 西北基金会董事会 2016年至2021年.

除了作为一名教员为大学服务外,李博士. 卡罗尔Spradling was a member of the 西北基金会董事会 2016年至2021年.

同时, Spradling developed a passion for helping people who were underrepresented in the computing field, 尤其是女性. In 2011, she co-founded the biannual Missouri Iowa Nebraska Kansas Women in Computing Conference, 将学生聚集在一起, faculty and technology leaders to discuss the role of women in computing and technology fields and share their experiences. 会议仍在继续,并将于10月在堪萨斯城再次召开.

“Women were not well-represented when I entered the field of 计算机科学,” she said. “I felt the need to prove myself repeatedly and often felt that others assumed I could not cut it and remain in the computing field.”

Throughout, Spradling adopted a hands-on approach to teaching that emphasized mentoring students and spending the necessary time to help them with supplemental instruction outside the classroom. 教学评估称赞斯普拉德林是一位称职而有爱心的教师. 在她众多的荣誉中, 2012年,她获得了密苏里州州长颁发的卓越教育奖, and she received the Northwest Alumni Association’s Distinguished Faculty Award in 2015. Last spring, the Alumni Association honored her again with its Distinguished Faculty Emeritus Award.

在退休后, Spradling continues to inspire and advocate for women and people of diverse populations to study and work in the computing field. Additionally, 她鼓励人们花时间支持和记棋牌娱乐, 他们的礼物或其他方式. 

“如果你重视你在和记棋牌娱乐期间所看到的一切,那么所有这些都很重要, 对我来说有太多了,斯普拉德林说. “我真的很珍惜我从别人那里得到的所有指导, 像(退休的计算机科学教师)博士. 在和记棋牌娱乐期间,梅里和加里·麦克唐纳对我非常重要. 他们以我从未想象过的方式推动我.”

在给予她的时间,斯普拉德林还担任教师代表 西北基金会董事会 2016年至2021年. 她对那个组织的贡献之一, Spradling helped initiate and chaired the Foundation Board’s 网络安全 subcommittee. 

“The Northwest Foundation Board is made up of remarkable people who are experts in their field,” she said. “观察他们在筹款、奖学金和管理方面的工作是我的荣幸. 我见证了真正的辉煌 永远绿色运动 从基金会理事那里学到了很多东西.”

当她回想起她与和记棋牌娱乐的关系时, 斯普拉德林说,她最自豪的是她参与的合作工作, 不仅与教师,而且与计算机领域的其他专业人士. That work included the 计算机科学与信息系统学院’ professional advisory team, 可以追溯到20世纪90年代中期.

“(The professional advisory team) became a significant piece of our programs growing and changing because of the contact that we had with industry,斯普拉德林说. “这些人会回来分享他们的专业知识和时间. 一开始是校友, and then it branched out to people who weren’t alumni but who almost became like alumni because they became so devoted to Northwest.”

The Diversity in Computing Scholarship and Women in Computing Scholarship are capable of receiving additional contributions at any time. For more information or to make a gift to support these scholarships or other needs at Northwest, 联系西北基金会,电话660.562.1248 or


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