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News Feature

Oct. 19, 2023

Science students develop skills during summer research programs

今年夏天,和记棋牌娱乐的十几名理工科学生获得了专业经验,并在全国各地完成了研究项目, 从明尼苏达州的牙科研究到犹他州的癌细胞研究.

The research programs, 他们经常从国家卫生研究院和国家科学基金会等政府机构获得资金, are extremely competitive.  Showing the strength of Northwest science programs, students were placed at institutions throughout the country, including University of Minnesota, Cornell University, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校和密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校以及自然中心, veterinary clinics and health centers throughout the region.

Faculty in Northwest’s Department of Natural Sciences 鼓励学生申请著名的研究经验,并相信学生获得的知识是无价的.

“对学生来说,进入实验室不仅能学到科学知识,还能实践科学并开展自己的项目,这真的很令人满意,” Dr. James Campbell, associate professor of biology, said. “You start to feel like a scientist.”


Samuel Groves

塞缪尔·格罗夫斯介绍了他在明尼苏达大学的研究结果. (Submitted photo)

塞缪尔·格罗夫斯介绍了他在明尼苏达大学的研究结果. (Submitted photo)

Groves, a senior biomedical sciences major from Liberty, Missouri, 参加了明尼苏达大学的生命科学暑期研究项目, specializing in craniofacial and dental research.

有100多名来自全国各地的颅面和牙科研究经验申请者, 格罗夫斯是接受美国国立卫生研究院资助的项目的八名学生之一.

格罗夫斯花了10周的时间研究糖水平如何影响人类口腔中的细菌. With support from a principal investigator and a mentor, 他每周花35个小时在实验室里进行测试和实验. 他对引起蛀牙的细菌很感兴趣,他把不同量的糖涂在细菌上,研究它的作用. 

His time in the lab allowed him to work independently, 他有机会自由地试验新技术和新设备.

“I was given the tools that professionals use, and they expected me to run these very expensive machines on my own,” Groves said. “They gave me the responsibility, but they also trusted me to do it.”

Having spent the summer making connections, 培养演讲技巧,体验在实验室工作的感觉, 格罗夫斯扩大了他的人际网络,并把研究作为一种职业来理解.

“I never really had research experience in general, so it broadened my perspective on what I want to do,” Groves said. “It’s really good for building a network and lifelong friendships.”

Angela Per Moreno

安吉拉·佩尔·莫雷诺完成了杨百翰大学的一项研究项目. (Submitted photo)

安吉拉·佩尔·莫雷诺完成了杨百翰大学的一项研究项目. (Submitted photo)

Per Moreno, a senior biochemistry major from Saragossa, Spain, completed a research program at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

In collaboration with fellow undergraduate and graduate students, Per Moreno在一个癌症研究实验室工作,他的任务是研究TNK1蛋白及其在癌症发展中的作用. 她研究了TNK1如何到达向身体发送炎症信号的其他蛋白质.

During the course of her research project, Per Moreno was introduced to new practices and lab techniques.

“我做了很多细胞培养,免疫沉淀,pcr, western blots,”Per Moreno说. “I also learned to interpret the data that we were getting.”

As she neared the end of her time at BYU, Per Moreno甚至发现了关于TNK1蛋白如何在体内传播的新信息.

“在这次经历中,我最自豪的事情是,我发现了一些以前没有人拥有的东西,” Per Moreno said. “一旦和记棋牌娱乐找到了它,我觉得和记棋牌娱乐所付出的所有努力都是值得的.”

After her experience, Per Moreno对研究有更强烈的兴趣,并希望继续她在癌症研究方面的工作.

Kiersten Buck

Kiersten Buck completed a research program at Cornell University. (Submitted photo)

Kiersten Buck completed a research program at Cornell University. (Submitted photo)

Buck, 来自堪萨斯城的纳米科学专业大三学生,主修化学和生物学, Missouri, completed a research program at Cornell University.

Buck’s program was funded by the National Science Foundation, 她在康奈尔大学的分子生物学和遗传学部门工作. 巴克是从大约700名申请者中被录取的11名学生之一.

Focusing her research on investigating a human protein, 巴克花了很多时间在实验室里练习限制性克隆技术. 因为她的任务是手动分离和连接DNA片段, using restriction enzymes and DNA ligase, Buck had to be patient and observant when conducting her work.

巴克说:“科学研究需要时间,从逻辑上讲,我知道这一点。. “但了解和体验是完全不同的两回事.”

Buck, 谁希望读研究生,然后开始从事研究工作, 她认为,她在康奈尔大学的经历为她提供了实践培训,并深入了解了这一行的工作情况.

巴克说:“这是一次很棒的经历,尤其是我在实验室里拥有的自主权。. “是的,我确实有我的实验室导师,但我每天都在自己做很多项目.”

Alexandria Gilbert

Alexandria Gilbert在默克动物保健公司实习期间从事动物疫苗的研究和开发. (Submitted photo)

Alexandria Gilbert在默克动物保健公司实习期间从事动物疫苗的研究和开发. (Submitted photo)


Working alongside scientists and doctors, 吉尔伯特的实习经历是在动物疫苗研发方面度过的, specifically on the poultry team.

She participated in the development of a virus neutralization procedure, 这让她获得了中和实践的实践经验, virus dilutions and problem-solving in a lab setting.


“I think I got a lot of valuable lab experience,” Gilbert said. “I’m also passionate about the environment, 所以我可以把我在那里学到的实验室技能用于野生动物健康的研究.”

Having taken courses in biology and biotechnology, Gilbert felt prepared to be in the lab, 但是,将她的知识应用于现实世界的机会,使她对科学研究领域有了以前从未接触过的先进知识.

“It helped me get more comfortable in the lab, and now I know that it is something I can see myself doing,” Gilbert said. “我很高兴能进入这个行业,因为现在我知道这是什么感觉了.”


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215