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10月. 10, 2023


作者:Georgia McGonigle,通讯助理

Students at 和记棋牌娱乐 completed a wide range of summer internships – from artificial cattle breeding to summer camp 摄影 – and learned new skills they can apply to their career preparation.

Internships help students develop professional skills and exercise what they’ve learned in their studies. 职业服务 at Northwest recommends that students gain hands-on experience outside the classroom and assists students with every step of the internship process, 包括搜索和复审.

“Learning by doing is a different way of learning than just learning by reading or learning by writing,汉娜·克里斯蒂安, 就业服务中心主任, 说. “So, it gives students an opportunity to do something in a different way that they may not know that they like or dislike.”

A sampling of Northwest students’ recent summer internship experiences appears below.




问麦克林托克Corben, 来自堪萨斯城计算机科学专业的大四学生, 密苏里州, 在特纳建筑公司做信息服务实习生.

McClintock, 谁在数据中心的施工现场工作, 负责技术故障排除, 设置视听设备, 下载软件和修补电线. He assisted anybody on the site who was facing technical issues and helped ensure that programs were functioning properly.

“Problem-solving and being an analytical thinker was really something I gained from it – just because, 在建筑工地, 你永远不知道会发生什么,麦克林托克说.

He believes the internship experience taught him things about the professional world that his coursework could not.

麦克林托克说:“这些课程确实有很大帮助,尤其是计算机科学. “他们会很好地向你展示他们对你的期望, but there’s really no other way of learning than to get up on your feet and move quick.”


杰克逊丰盛在Select Sires实习.

杰克逊丰盛在Select Sires实习.

杰克逊丰盛, 格莱斯顿大学动物科学专业的大四学生, 密苏里州, 在Select Sires实习, a global company that specializes in bovine genetics and reproduction services with cooperatives throughout the nation.

罗斯去了内布拉斯加州的一些城市, Kansas and 密苏里州 to help deliver breeding supplies and equipment to customers. 其他时候,他帮助养牛.

在整个夏天, Routh developed a better understanding of cattle breeding and wants to implement his skills in both his professional and personal environment.

“我真的, 真的很喜欢养牛业本身, 我觉得我在育种和遗传行业找到了自己的定位,罗斯说。. “我真的很想在放学后做一些这样的培训, 即使我没有得到一份具体的工作, 我会把它纳入我自己的牧群.”

劳斯认为实习经验很有价值, and it allows students to explore their interests before they graduate college.

“If you want to feel more prepared to step outside of school after you graduate, 实习,罗斯说。. “如果你真的喜欢什么,就去追求它. 不要因为你在学校就让它消失了.”




艾米丽·汉森, 玛丽维尔的大四学生, 主修传播学,以公共关系为重点, 在兰普的Kanakuk K-2营地实习摄影师, 密苏里州.

汉森, 还是熊猫啦啦队的摄影师, spent eight weeks at the summer camp taking pictures of the campers during activities like football, 尾波滑水, 篮球和水上摩托. Her daily duties included photographing every camp activity and meeting upload deadlines so parents could view the photos online.

The internship exposed 汉森 to new 摄影 styles and pushed her out of her comfort zone. 汉森 explored new creative directions by capturing action shots of campers dunking basketballs and captured pictures while navigating a jet ski.

“I took the camera bluff-jumping with me because parents really haven’t gotten to see kids bluff-jumping,汉森说. “我会去上绳索课程,拍下他们练习绳索的照片. 这个夏天我无所畏惧.”

Because of the experience, 汉森 believes her camera abilities have improved.

“我很高兴我做到了, 因为我不知道我会在哪里, 摄影skill-wise, 如果我今年夏天没有那样的经历,汉森说.




凯蒂·伯德, 一个卡尼, 密苏里州, 主修大众传媒的大三学生,主修多媒体和记娱乐ios, 在堪萨斯城wdaf电视台实习, 密苏里州.

伯德的实习工作包括跟踪记者, 撰写和记娱乐ios报道,提高直播技巧.

She says the experience made a positive impact on achieving her professional goals and helped her realize the news industry is where she wants to be.

“I feel like this internship just really solidified that this is the career I want to go into,伯德说. “能向主播和记者学习真是太棒了. 他们给了我很多很好的建议,不仅是职业建议,还有生活建议. 每天离开的时候,我都为下一天的到来感到兴奋.”

Because she was exposed to many facets of the broadcast journalism profession, Byrd says her time at WDAF helped her develop multiple skills that will benefit her professionally.

“总的来说,我成为了一个更好的作家和沟通者,”伯德说. “I feel like I learned how to write a concise and very informative news story.”


“(课程)给了我很多写作方面的背景知识, 视频编辑, 相机的操作,伯德说. “I feel like I applied what I learned but I also just learned so much more than I ever would have thought.”




特伦特琼斯, 希金斯维尔农业媒体和广告专业大三学生, 密苏里州, 在杰斐逊市的密苏里农场局实习, 密苏里州, 支持农民和农业的组织.

琼斯在公共事务部工作, 他的职责包括拍摄和编辑视频片段, 摄影, 撰写和记娱乐ios稿,撰写公司季刊.

给予创作自由, 实习期间自己编辑设计作品, 琼斯最喜欢的作品之一是一篇杂志专题报道, 标题是“四条腿的割草机”.” It was about a herd of grazing goats belonging to a 密苏里州 Farm Bureau family that visits farmland throughout 密苏里州 and eats unwanted plants. Working on the feature story allowed him to practice and develop his media writing abilities while learning more about design and 摄影.

Jones believes internship experience can help a student’s professional development and introduce them to professionals who can benefit their career goals. 

“I feel like internships are one of the easiest and best ways to network and also learn career skills,琼斯说.


休斯顿的伊莱娜, 来自舍伍德湖剧院专业的大四学生, 密苏里州, interned at the McLeod Summer Playhouse (MSP) at Southern Illinois University (SIU).

Houston spent the summer working with professional theatre technicians and exploring her passion in a different environment than Northwest. Houston deepened her skills and knowledge of specific techniques and equipment with other interns and MSP staff.

“I learned how to use the tools in a proper way and got to learn a lot about rigging, 这是我之前不知道怎么做的事情,休斯顿说.

除了在技术剧院领域的实践学习, 休斯顿从MSP中学到了其他宝贵的经验.

“我学会了如何成为一个追随者,”休斯顿说. “在我戏剧生涯的大部分时间里, 我一直扮演着某种领导角色, 但在SIU, 我只是一个工人.”

Houston left her internship inspired and ready to begin a career in set design, and she believes all students with similar aspirations should have an experience like hers.

“This internship got me super excited to work with new people in this area,休斯顿说. “I would highly recommend this for anyone who wants to 实习 or learn more about performing arts. 我可以滔滔不绝地讲述我在那里留下的美好回忆.”


Dr. 马克Hornickel



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